Tuesday 8 February 2011

Who we are?

Hello, I am Llanos, I’m 18 years
old, and I am one of the creative
ones of this blog. I am from Barcelona,
but actually I live in Cornellà.
Now I’m studying first of publicity and
public relations in UIC (international
university of Catalonia), as my friend
Ana, the other creative of this blog.
One of my big interests it’s the painting, I do draws in water-color,
and I paint streets and landscapes. Furthermore I like act in plays,
already I took part in different contests with a group of theatre and the
experience was wonderful, moreover we won some contests.
Moreover all the plays in which I have taken part have been musicals,
some of them are: Cuidam, Fama, Los arboles mueren de pie,
El espantapajaros, Rayo de luna, Oriente… and now I’m testing in
the musical The ghost of the opera.
Finally you have to know that I am very sincere, so many of the
articles and thinks that we are going to upload in this blog about the
social networks, it’s possible that you will see in our comments
our opinion.

My name is Ana, I am 18 years old,
I am the other member of this blog.  I am from
canary island to be more specific from the island
of Lanzarote (Spain). Now I’m leaving in Bcn
in a resident of students.   I’m studying First of
Publicity and   public relations in UIC (International
University of Catalonia).

I will explain you my life on Lanzarote. I was
living  in a medium house near de coast , with
my parents and my big sister. I went for a private
bilingual school during all my life. It´s an island
that doesn’t have a lot of things to do but the few things that have are very
special and spectacular.

On the other hand, I have a lot of hobbies, but the one that I prefer is playing tennis.
I started going to a small centre of tennis when I was 7 years all. Here in BCN I
haven’t got enough time to practice but on my free times I organized a tennis match
with some of my friends.

To sum up, Llanos and I , we are creating this blog about the social networks, and
we are going to be able to proportionate a lot of  knowledge of this topic, with
comments, personal opinions, videos, articles…

The reason of our choice

The reason of our choice is becuase  the great importance
that the social networks have nowadays in our world  we
have been changing  the traditional forms of communication 
with the new technologies and technological advances.   
The Internet has substituted as communicative channel the
telephone, the television and the letters.

Lets start with a short introduction about the history of the
social networks:

About 2001 and 2002 they began  the  friends' networks.
About 2003 they become popular by the appearance of
such sites as Friendster, Tribe and Myspace.
Companies enter to the social Networks.
The social networks start when a group of initiators invite
friends and acquaintances to forming a part of the social 
network, every new member can bring and  obtain
members and the growth of this social network can be 

And is here that transforms in an interesting business.
We believe that a good example of this is Facebook,a social
network based on students, very similar to myspace, with
million registered users and where there has been an important
advertising investment of Microsoft. 

The social networks have taken prestige that is considered 
to be fundamental and necessary for the communication and
to create our capacities.

Will this change carry a positive result?
Why? Wh not?

Nowadays Tuenti and Facebook are the social networks more
used every day by people in our world. To enter the social
network it is not necessary to have many previous technological 
knowledge. The format is very simple and thanks to his chara-
cteristics the persons prefer using the Internet to communicate.
Because  is cheaper and effective friends, to share his experiences,
to take part in events, holidays .
Thanks to these social networks you can meet again with the
persons that at any one time the contact got lost, it is necessary
to try to support a link.The social networks not only are using
for gossip the life of the others. Also they are in use from a
professional point of view: companies, political parties.

Across the social networks the companies can do advertising 
of his products or services
Disadvantages of Social Network 

Another disadvantage of this “new” technology is that it is
addictive,and in the social networks you can lose your
privacy. This is a really insecure factor because one
person of another part of the world, can damage you,
if they know all about you.
And the use of computers and mobile phones makes you
write worse, because principally the young people, write
texts messages and post something in their social networks,
writing with abbreviators and a bad spelling.

How is our blog going to be organized?

Our blog is created by a series of income, videos,
links, articles.... All of them related to the topic of the social