Saturday 12 March 2011


Will Social News Make People Use LinkedIn More Often?

In its latest attempt to build social-networking features into its business, LinkedIn, which has filed to go public, launched a news recommendation service on Thursday called LinkedIn Today that it hopes will function like a specialized Twitter for business networks. Although some believe that it has a chance to be “the Wall Street Journal of social news,” it remains to be seen whether LinkedIn users really want it to become a news aggregator, or whether this is yet another copycat social feature the network is bolting on that few people will ever use.
The idea behind LinkedIn Today is a simple one: The network pulls in Twitter feeds from many of its users who have connected their accounts, and links to websites are also shared in other ways. So the new service compiles theoretically personalized — or at least topic- or industry-focused — lists of relevant links from the people you follow or are connected to through the LinkedIn network, and displays them as a newspaper-style page. You can also see what people in a particular industry are sharing. (LinkedIn also launched some other new features during its call on Thursday, including a network-visualization tool called InMaps and some enhanced search features).
Former LinkedIn staffer and CrossLoop founder Mrinal Desai is enthusiastic about the idea of LinkedIn curating the news for him, because he says it can target headlines and links more effectively based on the connections he has made inside his LinkedIn social graph. But the screenshot that Desai includes in his post provides a perfect example of the flaws in this strategy: The number one most-shared link is about Charlie Sheen and how he got a Guinness World Record for getting to one million Twitter followers.
Is that the kind of crucial business-related news that can only be curated by a business-focused social network? No. It’s the same most-shared link you would find by going to virtually any other aggregator such as Yahoo News. And that’s a potential flaw for LinkedIn’s new service in terms of getting traction with users.


The article is about LinkedIn, the finantition of this, and the time that people spend conecting and cration relations. From my point of view this article treats the social networks as a merely economic business.

The networks socials are much more than simple connections between persons and companies, the social networks are the future and there are going to change the way of reporting and will also change the mass media.

It wiil be a moment in which to be connected will be a way of living and it will be the only way of living. All the companies, schools, universities ... they were using this way to be internally related, and this for me will be a negative aspect, because you will be constant in connection with the work.

As it says the article the journalists who write the news will be using the social networks to write his news, and his influence on the society will be stronger. We can see clearly nowadays the strong influence of the social networks, we have a great example, the current conflicts that it is being in egipt, it come unleashed by the social networks, the population was move because of the social networks.

To finish I only want to say that partly I agree with the article for the fact that LinkedIn is going to be used more frequently, because it needs several sources of information and not only one to have relations with other companies and take true information.

By: Llanos Meseguer


  1. Both relevance and length of your article are fine; some of your writing sounds a little "Spanglish" though, be careful not to translate too much! Make sure you check your writing when you finish in order to correct simple mistakes, ok?

    the finantition of this

    and cration relations

  2. I have to recognize that the article of social networks by” Mathew Ingram” it’s a bit difficult to understand. But reading the comments of Llanos and some parts of the article I had made a personal opinion.

    I`m completely agree with Llanos when she said that “ the social networks are the future and there are going to change the way of reporting” Personally I think that the social networks are going to create a world that people are going to be connect the 24 hours of a day. ¿ Why? The reason is because we have the social networks in a lot of situations of our live, for example: in our universities, school, friends, and companies. The people think that without social network we cannot live, but in the past what happened? We have to ask this question and to try to research information and different opinion of social networks. You can start reading this article of Mathew Ingram.
