Wednesday 23 March 2011


       This video is talking about the addictive of social networks, Facebook. In the video we can see different examples of people telling how many times they connect to Facebook in a day. The most of the people connects once or twice a day. But how many time, an hour, two hours? They are a lot of people that waste a lot of time being connected; they post comments, see photos, watching videos. But the question is: why is so addictive? In my opinion probably is so addictive because it is a social network that is around the world. As the video said, Facebook it has been translated into 70 languages, all of them are very different. That makes connect a lot of different people, with different culture, ideology, society...  Personally I think that is a good point to share information, photos, from different parts of the world because let learn you from other ones. The problem comes when that starts to be extremely addictive.

Nowadays there are more than 500 million people on Facebook that spend 5 billion minutes on Facebook each month. You can enter to Facebook any electronic device, for example if you have to wait for someone, you can enter to Facebook with your mobile phone if you have internet, and it’s a way to not get bored. But sometimes, people prefer stay at home and being connected to Facebook than going out with friends or learning new things.  The users of Facebook try to have the most possible number of friends from different ages. Are they friends? It´s a real relation friendship? In my opinion to have a friend you have to meet face to face. Facebook makes people to live in a virtual world.
 By: Ana Figuereo


  1. Certainly an interesting contribution!You need to be careful though with your use of language, sometimes your writing turns out a bit "Spanglish"...

  2. Llanos Meseguer17 May 2011 at 13:33

    As say my partner Ana now a days there are a lot of people that use the social networks. All of them use the social network because of different reasons. Many of them also are addict in the social networks. The most popular is Facebook, is the social network with more people inside. The problem is the addictive of this. She says that one reason is that these are around the word. I don’t think that this are the reason, probably this affect in the people that uses but there are other reasons more important as that you can post an see photos of your friends, also that there are a chat so you can speak with others, and others gadgets that make the social networks so attractive.
