Sunday 13 March 2011

A video of how to use a social network

           This video tell us the history of the Christian religion, is a way to give example of some characteristic from social networks. The persons comment all the things that think. For example, they create events, aggregate friends, make comments, changed the profile... All the things that happened during the day they put it at the red. For example we can see at the video when they put it “ its a boy”, is something that they put it to show to all the people, this video is only an example of the mechanism. Is a way to be interconnected with our friends .But not only with our friend, because some people don’t want to have privacy and they prefer to show all about them.                                                                                                                      
 Being connecting the 24 hours of a day it has positive things, however in my opinion it has more negative. Here I’m going to give some reasons of my opinion. The first thing is that if you start to connect all the day it can be addictive and also dangerous, you start to depend, you stay all the day thinking different ideas to make a publication... When you speak with a friend face to face you don’t have anything to say because all the things are mentioned. I think that the social networking is a way to get entertainment but not for write important things of our lives, in this case, they speak about a wedding, a baby... Important things of our lives.. why we put it and all of the people knows? Those things give the happiness?
To conclude, I personally think that all social networking are making bad for the people and only a few know de dangerous of the problem and think that the social networks don’t have any responsibility.  


1 comment:

  1. Llanos Meseguer18 May 2011 at 04:06

    This vedeo is so funny. It's a good way to explain to the young people the history of the Christmas, when was born Jesus. Probably this format of video is more interesting for explain the history to the youngs, because they use Facebook every day, so they will take atention. Also as say Ana we see in the video how to use Facebook.
    In the video they post his private live in Facebook, and this can see all the people, so we have an other time the problem of the privacy. If you don't use this with a control and properly you will have problems, or not, but you have risks.
