Tuesday 15 March 2011

Precautions to Take When Meeting People Face to Face

  • Introduction:    
      As we get to know people online, there may be times when we want to meet them in person in the real world. It is extremely important that we take precautions before meeting face-to-face with someone from online. Criminals and fraudsters can easily fake their identities and pretend to be someone else while online in order to lure victims into meeting with them in person.
You can also chat with a person on the phone before meeting them in person, but be careful to block your caller ID or use an anonymous phone service like Skype. Never use your home phone or give out your phone number as this information can be used to identify and locate you.
  • Warning Signs
Review the following tips to avoid running into trouble with people you meet face to face.
Trust your instincts and pay attention when something doesn't feel right. Watch for "red flags" and questionable characteristics. Is the person too controlling? Do they talk badly about others? Do they avoid certain questions? Are they quick to get mad? Your "gut instincts" are a good measure of whether you should proceed with someone or end things right away.
Take your time and maintain control. At any time you feel uncomfortable, you have the right to walk away and end communications without any need to explain. Do not allow someone to persuade or badger you into moving forward before you are comfortable with doing so. If a person is genuine, then they will understand your need to take things slow.
End things with someone who brings up "sex talk" too soon or asks about money. These people are almost always insincere and could end up scamming or harming you.
Avoid drinking alcohol before or during your meeting, as this can impair your ability to judge another person and the safety of the circumstances.
  In my opinion:
Nowadays, a big number of teen of our society are not able to speak face to face. Why? Personally, I think that the reasons are the social networks, like Facebook. The people who us it they are always write at the computer all the things that think but then when they have to express face to face in a real and not virtual conversation, they are not able to do it, because they get nervous and they start to think that they are saying stupid things.
At social networks the people can connect and speak with people that they don’t know. In my opinion I think that is very dangerous because that people can take you personal information to do bad things and with that information they can manipulate our identity. However with those social networks the companies can used to be communicating with the client. You can post propaganda, events, and also make a directly contact with the client and trying to explain the products o services that the company gives.  It’s an advantage because is not necessary to met face to face to all that number of people that want personal information, you can do it with the red. This article gives some advices and rules to know if a conversation is going in a good way or not. The writer says that have to trust your instincts and pay attention when something doesn't feel right. Also say that we have to take our time and maintain control and when the other one start to speak about “Sex” too soon or asks about money you probably should go out.
BY: Ana Figuereo


  1. Relevant to your blog topic, and useful;generally your use of structures is ok, but try not to think so much in Spanish!

    all the things that think

    Also say that

  2. Llanos Meseguer17 May 2011 at 14:15

    The people used to meet other people face to face, but now a day there are more the cases that the people met others by the social network. The problem as say my partner Ana is that then they don’t know how to communicate, they are not used to do it. Moreover many of all of these lie when speak by the chats of the social networks; they want to show something that really they don’t are.

    In addition a lot of the people that uses the social networks speak with other people that don’t know or they don’t meet. As say Ana it can be very dangerous because they give personal information and the other can manipulate you. This is very dangerous to the young people that don’t have experience in this thinks.
