Tuesday 22 March 2011

social networks and social media

This viedo questions if the social media is a fad, or is the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution.

The social media and it includes the social networks, is a revolution. In facebook added 100 millions of users in less than nine months, and this is a revolution, because never before it happens. It is a reality that the social networks are revolutionizing the forms of comunicaion and work of this world, the globalization is a reality that is lived nowadays. Nowadays everything is faster, we are in a constant change that taking this one to us to another stage of the history. When it will finish? We don't know it. But what we know is that to be able to live nowadays is necessary to be connected to the network.

The manners of obtaining information and of knowing of the rest of countries this one changing, already we don't resort to the former encyclopedias, now we use Internet. The Web more comon to serch information is Wikipedia, and the more comon to serch viedos is Youtube. the users of this webs is growing every day.

The use of all these new forms of communication and of obtaining information, are changing the traditional habits up to the date. Nowadays there are a lot of schools that use these sources of information and of communication to teach his subjects.

Now our duty is take advantage of these new inventions and to extract a maximum benefit of them, doing that they all are of benefit and not only someones.



  1. Very interesting format and soundtrack! A perceptive comment, but you need to check your writing/use a spell-check to avoid straight translations and typos...
    because never before it happens. TENSE!
    serch information

  2. Ana Figuereo Caballero15 May 2011 at 02:46

    In my opinion social media are a revolution. Probably is a fad that have 100 millions of users. The interesting thing is the number of users in a short period of time, nine mouths. The social networks have a lot of advantages. For example you can contact with friends that are in another place of the world, the communication is easier and quickly. It’s true that all that things are practical and useful for our live. The problems comes when its start to be addictive. For instance, the young people that don’t now the dangerous of Facebook, carries problems with identify.

    Like Llanos said “ Wikipedia is the web more common to research information”. Is very practical and quickly, but the problem is de veracity. These pages sometimes don’t say the true but does not matter for the people because they prefer that that is quickly that try to find more information in other pages or in encyclopaedias
