Tuesday 15 March 2011

Facebook VS MySpace

         In this video we can see de fluency of the different social networks. I choose the first two minutes of the video because I think that it´s enough to understand the content. When you are a member of a social network you speak with other users, add videos, create and participate in events, add photos, videos, a lot of things. The different social networks have different format of pages, and also different tolls. Some of them are more formal, other more informal, also can focus in the organizations another on entertainment. In the end all of them have the same finality that is permit de communication with others.  
In the video, explain the attitude of the picture that try to express that he don’t want to collaborate more with the social network MySpace and that he is going to connect with Facebook. There is a lot of competence with all of the different social networks, but the ones that are more famous are: Facebook, Tuenti (Spain), My Space .
In my opinion I think that those socials networks are a good way of communication but we have to decided to register only in one because if we register in a few of them, can takes some consequences, for example: have aggregate a lot of strange friend, a lot of events, play a lot of plays, that means that we lost a lot of time, and it’s not necessary to do all that things. We have to be responsible and try to make as way of entertainment without depending in it.


BY: Ana Figuereo


  1. Very funny video, and so true, isn't it? Make sure you re-read your comment though:

    we can see de fluency ?

    different tolls - TOOLS

    play a lot of plays - GAMES

  2. Llanos Meseguer17 May 2011 at 13:51

    I think like Ana with the two first minutes is enough to understand the content. All of the different social networks have different tolls and gadgets, but in the end the finality is the same, the presentation of there are different but the content is the same, so at the end the people do what the other people does. If there are more in Facebook they will have Facebook, if there are more in myspace the will have myspace. All of them as say Ana are good way to communicate, but we have to choose one of them or as do other people you can register in all of them, but you have to be very addictive.

    To conclude I also think that we are responsible of what we do with our privacy and in what way we would to communicate
