Saturday 19 March 2011


This video is about the privacy in the social networks, like facebook, tuenti...

Since already we have seen previously, the topic of the privacity in the social networks is one very controversial. It seems that it is very easy to know everything on other persons and that they all can know on your life. Nowadays the people hang on his profiles all his emotional life, photos, videoes, condition ... thinking that only his friends can see it. We have a blind faith in the social networks, but I could have verified wiht my computer, that I can enter and see the friends' photos of my friends that I don't take it as friends, and also I can enter the profiles of the friends of the above mentioned, and this way constant.

When you create your profile you mark a few points of safety, but there are things of your profile that you cannot do that others do not see. There are persons that this it is not important if his profile has a privacy, but they are true the cases at that when someone looks for a working place the company to which the curriculum comes to him looks in the social networks to know more on this person whom they are going to contract.

In my personal opinion, I am one of the users of facebook, and realy I don't matter of the privacy, the think that I do is not post anything that could me take problems. I think that this is a very good solutiont of this problem. Don't post the thinks that can hurt you.



  1. Important point,and you make yourself understood, but you really need to double- check for mistakes! Sometimes it's better to use simple language in a correct way.

  2. Ana Figuereo Caballero15 May 2011 at 03:05

    I agree with Llanos comment, “ Don’t post things that can hurt you”. To understand these video I personally think that we have see the end of the video when they said: “ ask your self-questions first of posting “. Is dangerous to put your name and surname? Or to put where you live? Well I think that depend on the persons. That means that for example if you have 24 years old, you know about the dangerous of the live, the problems of people… But if you have 10 years old, you maybe probably post some information that you are not conscious of the consequences.

    As I had already said, we have to control and to know that social networks have a lot of problem with veracity and privacy that we can avoid.
